RPC Encryption – An Exercise in Frustration

Since of the release of Windows LAPS and the introduction of encrypted passwords I’ve been working towards a way of decrypting these payloads on non-Windows platforms. One of the key components of getting this working is to not only have a working RPC client but also support the RPC authentication level RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY. I’ve worked with GSSAPI/SSPI before and thought this should be relatively simple, this is a tale of what is actually involved for others interested in the top. I won’t be going into too much details on the RPC process, I just wanted to focus on the authentication and subsequent message encryption details I found were not documented, or not very detailed.

What is RPC

RPC standard for Remote Procedure Call and is a way for programs to invoke a function that lives outside of it’s process. There are many transport protocols that RPC can operator on, the MS-RPCE protocol documentation even displays a nice diagram of some that are involved.

In the past I’ve been able to use my SMB Python library to use RPC over SMB named pipes, known as ncacn_np, but another important transport protocol is RPC over TCP/IP (ncacn_ip_tcp). RPC over SMB can reuse the authentication and message protection features offered by the SMB protocol, but RPC over TCP needs to use the specifications defined by the RPC protocol. The specs define how authentication tokens are exchanged but it is quite a high level overview with a lot of the details down to the authentication provider used. There are two main components that need to be implemented:

  • Authentication Type
  • Authentication Level

Authentication Types

The authentication level is the authentication protocol that is used to authenticate the user and provide message protection support. There are a few types/providers supported by MS-RPCE but the ones I am focusing on are:

Name Protocol Value

The RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE type will try and use Kerberos authentication before falling back to NTLM. It technically can authenticate with other protocols through the NegoEx protocol but I’m only focusing on NTLM and Kerberos. The RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT and RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS types are used when either NTLM or Kerberos are targeted explicitly outside of the Negotiate process. All 3 protocols follow a very basic pattern where the authentication tokens are exchanged between the client and the server with support for various authentication levels.

Authentication Levels

An authentication level describes the level of protection the authentication type provides for the current connection. These levels are documented by MS-RPCE but the important one here is RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY (0x06). The level ensures that the RPC body is encrypted so that anyone capturing the network traffic will be unable to view the contents. While it is not always required to use RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, there are certain APIs that mandate this level before they can be used and it is good practice to ensure your communication is protected.

There is an extra component to the authentication level added as a Microsoft extension on MS-RPCE, the PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN flag. This is a flag used to indicate to the server that the RPC header and security trailer are included in the security checksum of the payload. If this flag is not set then only the RPC body will be protected by the authentication level specified. From what I can gather, a Windows client always sets this flag but as a service it will still allow other clients to communicate without this flag. This may change in the future but essentially both modes should be supported by and client wishing to communicate with a Windows RPC service.

RPC Payload

Before going into the details of how the authentication and encryption process is done, it is important to talk about the structure of an RPC payload. An RPC payload is split into the following segments:

Segment Purpose
PDU Header Common header information
Request Header Message type specific header data
PDU Body Data specific to the message type
Security Trailer Authentication info
Authentication Token The authentication token/signature

The PDU Body is then further comprised of the following components:

Segment Purpose
Stub Data Data specific to the request operation
Stub Padding Padding data to align the stub
Verification Trailer Additional integrity protection
Authentication Padding Padding data to align the body

Not all these fields are necessary for all RPC payloads but it is important to know them.

Authentication Process

The first step of an RPC connection is to authenticate the user using the authentication type desired. This is done by sending an Bind Request and subsequent Alter Context requests until the authentication is complete. The first message is the Bind Request which can be seen in this network traffic capture.

The Auth Info field at the bottom is the security trailer and authentication token where the security trailer states what authentication type is used and the authentication level desired. In this case the RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE type and RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY level are set which indicates the authentication tokens are for the Negotiate protocol and encryption will be used. Following straight after the security trailer is the authentication token, which for a bind request is the actual Kerberos/NTLM token generated from SSPI/GSSAPI.

This token can be generated on SSPI through the InitializeSecurityContext API or on GSSAPI with the gss_init_sec_context API. It is important to provide the SSPI flag ISC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE or GSSAPI flag GSS_C_DCE_STYLE when stepping through these functions as it is used to produce DCE/RPC style tokens. This is not an exhaustive list but from observation I found the DCE flag does some of the following:

  • For Kerberos the exchange includes a third token will produce a third authentication token rather than the typical two
  • For Negotiate the exchange will also include the mechListMIC value inside the SPNEGO envelope
  • For NTLM no changes were observed

Another key note here is that the RPC flags set the PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN (0x03) bit in the flags if the client can do integrity protection on the PDU header and security trailer. This is shown in the above exchange where Cancel Pending (uses the same bit value) is set in the dissected output. This flag will continue to be set in both the bind request and subsequent alter context messages until the security context is complete.

The MS-RPCE extension also document an extension PDU called rpc_auth_3 which is meant to be used instead of an alter context payload if the client is sending the last authentication token and doesn’t expect a reply back. In testing this PDU does not seem to be necessary as the alter context PDU works in the very scenario MS-RPCE described for rpc_auth_3.

Message Protection

Once the authentication process is complete, the client can now send requests to the RPC service. As the authentication level RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY was configured in the authentication stage, the PDU body data will need to be encrypted. Before the data can be encrypted the RPC PDU should be built as normal, more specifically:

  • The PDU body that is being encrypted should be padded to ensure it aligns with the authentication message block size
  • The PDU header fragment length should be set to be the final payload size, including the authentication token at the end
  • The PDU auth length should be set to the expected authentication token/signature size

The QueryContextAttributes with SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES should provide the authentication token/signature length through the returned cbSecurityTrailer field. On GSSAPI the gss_wrap_iov_length API can be used to return the expected authentication token/signature size.

Once the plaintext PDU has been generated it is time to encrypt the data. On SSPI encryption is done using the EncryptMessage API and on GSSAPI it’s with the gss_wrap_iov API. Both of these functions take in an array of buffers and use that to wrap the data.

As the documentation for this was not clear at all I ended up tracing the SSPI calls using PSDetour and was able to see the following during a real RPC exchange:

EncryptMessage(Context: 0x1E752D17F28, Qop: 0, Message: 0xC8EED8D878, SeqNo: 2)
        EncryptMessage Message(Version: 0, Buffers: 5)
                [1] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM (1), Length: 24, Data: 05000003100000004C014C0008000000D800000001000000
                [2] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA (1), Length: 224, Data: 6C0000...
                [3] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM (1), Length: 8, Data: 0906080000000000
                [4] Type: SECBUFFER_TOKEN (2), Length: 76, Data: 0000...
                [5] Type: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS | SECBUFFER_READONLY (3), Length: 12, Data: 020000000000000000EBBFE8
EncryptMessage -> Res: 0x00000000
        EncryptMessage Message(Version: 0, Buffers: 5)
                [1] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM (1), Length: 24, Data: 05000003100000004C014C0008000000D800000001000000
                [2] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA (1), Length: 224, Data: E428...
                [3] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM (1), Length: 8, Data: 0906080000000000
                [4] Type: SECBUFFER_TOKEN (2), Length: 76, Data: 0504...
                [5] Type: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS | SECBUFFER_READONLY (3), Length: 12, Data: 020000000000000000EBBFE8

In summary the RPC client on Windows provides 5 buffers to the EncryptMessage function:

  • [1] – The PDU header + request header data is marked as SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM
  • [2] – The PDU body (including the verification trailer and padding)
  • [3] – The Security trailer is marked as SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM
  • [4] – An output buffer that will store the signature generated from the first 3 buffers
  • [5] – Extra metadata about the payload marked as SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS

The data in the 2nd buffer will be encrypted in place and the 3rd buffer will contain the generated signature. With the resulting information it is possible to now replace the PDU body with the encrypted output from EncryptMessage and include the signature generated as the RPC authentication token value.

It was trickier to figure out the buffer types needed when PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN was not used as the Windows client always set this flag, but in the end I was able to get a trace on the server as it responded to a client that didn’t set these flags. This is what the EncryptMessage trace looked like

EncryptMessage(Context: 0x1AA7EBF95F8, Qop: 0, Message: 0x842F47F5C0, SeqNo: 1)
    EncryptMessage Message(Version: 0, Buffers: 5)
        [1] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY (1), Length: 24, Data: 0500020310000000B0031000010000007403000001000000
        [2] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA (1), Length: 896, Data: 5603...
        [3] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY (1), Length: 8, Data: 09060C0000000000
        [4] Type: SECBUFFER_TOKEN (2), Length: 16, Data: 0000000000000000C0E40A75FC7F0000
        [5] Type: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS | SECBUFFER_READONLY (3), Length: 12, Data: 01000000030000000273FFFC
EncryptMessage -> Res: 0x00000000
    EncryptMessage Message(Version: 0, Buffers: 5)
        [1] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY (1), Length: 24, Data: 0500020310000000B0031000010000007403000001000000
        [2] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA (1), Length: 896, Data: 193B...
        [3] Type: SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY (1), Length: 8, Data: 09060C0000000000
        [4] Type: SECBUFFER_TOKEN (2), Length: 16, Data: 01000000500B6FDD07DA479100000000
        [4] Type: SECBUFFER_PKG_PARAMS | SECBUFFER_READONLY (3), Length: 12, Data: 01000000030000000273FFFC

The buffers are essentially the same as before except now buffer 1 and 3 have the flag SECBUFFER_READONLY and not SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM. NTLM doesn’t seem to differentiate between these flags which means PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN doesn’t add any protection for NTLM but for Kerberos it does adjust how the signature is calculated.

Now that I am know what Windows is doing I was then able to figure out what the equivalent buffer types were for GSSAPI. Here is what I’ve mapped out


Unlike SSPI the GSSAPI buffer type GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_SIGN_ONLY is not a flag attribute but an actual type. From testing it acts like the equivalent of SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY_WITH_CHECKSUM. The SECBUFFER_DATA | SECBUFFER_READONLY combination does not have a direct equivalent in GSSAPI but by using GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_EMPTY, the wrapping function will effectively ignore those fields like SSPI does.

Putting this together these are the buffer used for an encryption step when PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN is negotiated:

Buffer Idx SSPI GSSAPI Data
4 SECBUFFER_TOKEN GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_HEADER Empty, signature will be allocated here

These are the buffers used when PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN was not negotiated:

Buffer Idx SSPI GSSAPI Data
4 SECBUFFER_TOKEN GSS_IOV_BUFFER_TYPE_HEADER Empty, signature will be allocated here

It is also possible to just not include buffer 1 and 3 for GSSAPI, but it is important to keep them present for NTLM support on SSPI as it uses those values to generate the signature.

The decryption process uses the identical buffers on the DecryptMessage and gss_unwrap_iov APIs. The only difference is that the final buffer will contain the signature from the response for it to validate.

This may not be correct for all authentication protocols available but this combination works for both Kerberos and NTLM.

There are more scenarios, like fragmentation and integrity only protection, I have not considered during my investigation so the details in this post may not be 100% correct. Hopefully it’s enough to help you on your RPC client implementation if you ever go down this deep and dark road. I was able to use this information and package it up into my Python authentication library pyspnego. The RPC/DCE components was just added with this PR and should be available in the upcoming release.